Like to travel but can't always get there, stop here for the next best thing, virtual travel. Take a moment to relax and enjoy the experience of a safari or a trip to a tropical island. The trip is free, the memories priceless.
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People, our most precious commodity
Serengetti Plains, a companion remarks, "It's amazing, there are animals as far as you can see!" Astute observation for being in the middle of a National Preserve. One can sleep in tents, circling a small watering hole. Lie awake at night listening to the sounds of the African Plain, hippos foraging, submerged in the lake, night sounds of animals roaming restlessly through the encampment. Breakfast within a matter of yards of grazing elephants. Observe baboons darting in and out of the surrounding bush. Strutting about pridefully upon successfully deterring a would-be theft to the coveted fruit carefully picked and dropped below to a waiting companion, only to be stolen by another male, who attempted to scurry off. Observing the chase, hearing the screeches, followed by the chest banging return to the tree and the awaiting female companion. Being escorted to the dining tent for the evening meal. Escorted by natives carrying loaded rifles as you would not wish to venture outside your tent once the sun has gone down. For this is when Africa comes to life. Hidden beneath the cover of darkness the animals roam the plains in search of vulnerable prey, you do not wish to be among them. These are but a few of my memories. Life outside the borders of my native homeland. Life full of people, animals, cultures, sounds, smells, tastes of exotic foods.
Nose Be
Madagascar, called the island at the end of the world. Forgotten by time and techonology. Rich in resources and culture. Off the coast is an island known as Nose Be (Big Island). The water is bluer than the sky. The sand is white, prestine. A small jaunt down the beach will revel a scene that would rival any movie set. Picture the afternoon tide coming in, a small fishing boats supported on one side by small hollowed trees,handmade cloth sails, the sun setting in the distant sky. Young children running into the surf, frolicking with the gentle waves to see what the catch of the day will unfold. The sound of their laughter can be heard over the soft lapping of the waves on the shore. Men and young boys lowering the sail. Younger ones diving in to reach the children before they wander out too far. Meander down the beach to a small cove where sets a village, grass huts, women scurring to prepare fires for the evening meals. Stop...Remind yourself, this is real. This is their life. No electricity, no running water, no phones, yet the joy and contentment on their faces and in their actions show no knowledge of loss or dissatifaction. A glimpse at life at its simplest. Life. These people are Real. They are so beautiful and untainted by what we know as "reality". It was like traveling in time.
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